
Swipe your finger along the left edge of the screen. The gesture increases brightness if you swipe up and decrease when the finger moves down.

If you do not like this feature, you can turn off the manual brightness control. In the “Appearance” section of the settings dialogue, if your device runs Android or in the “Screen” section on iOS.

The answer depends on the version of FBReader.

If you are using FBReader 3.8 or later, place your *.ttf or *.otf files in a folder on the device's memory card, then select this folder in the “Fonts” section of the Settings dialogue.

In versions prior to 3.8, this setting is located in the “Directories” section of the Preferences dialogue.

Yes. You can create a file keymap.xml in the books folder. Here is an example. You have to find the keycodes for your device buttons.

The list of possible actions can be extracted from the source file.

Monkey mascot

Monkey mascot